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February 12, 2004

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Lincoln's Birthday
February 12

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John Rucker, ext. 25

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Your Weekly Report on New and Updated Lists

Lists of the Week
Engineering, Inc. Magazine Subscribers
Members and key industry executives from some of the largest transnational engineering companies turn to the official magazine of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC).

Internet Moms and Moms to be from Little Koala
Little Koala's online catalog offers many alternatives for mothers surfing the Web. They took the hard to find items, as well as the everyday needs, and put them together in this one-stop-shopping location for all expectant moms.

Association List of the Week
Biomedical Engineering Society Members
Specialists in the use of traditional engineering expertise to analyze and solve problems in biology and medicine. Members of this society practice such advanced technologies.

Medical Lists of the Week
Radiological (X-Ray) Technologists in the USA
These are specialists in radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, cancer research and treatment, and diagnostic X-rays have become increasingly important in the medical world.

Therapists and Rehabilitation Programs
These programs have licensed therapists assist individuals from the physically disabled to the mentally and developmentally disabled. These professionals work in hospitals nursing homes, mental health facilities, schools and rehabilitation facilities.

Email List of the Week
Biotech and Pharmaceutical Executives from BioZak InfoBase
The information gathered for this database is provided by a top business intelligence provider to the life science industry. This list reaches over 21,000 companies with the top management in the life science industry and is perfect for companies selling high ticket items.

International Lists of the Week
Industrial Plant and Equipment - UK Subscribers
Reach key directors, managers and engineers who subscribe to Industrial Plant and Equipment and are involved in all aspects of industries ranging from energy and water supplies to timber and furniture.

IT Resellers, VARs, VADs, Distributors World Wide from 3DB Global
This list reaches international channel sales partners (VARs, Distributors, System Integrators, Service Companies, and Commissioned Representative Agents) in the information technology industry.

Postal List of the Week - New to the Market!
Engineers by Type in America
A welcome addition to a marketplace lacking in new lists.
Reach three types of engineers with this list – Civil Engineers, Professional Engineers and Public Works and Transportation Engineers. These three sub-specialties are among the most numerous engineering certifications in the nation.

Consumer Offers Have a Special Resource
Call Sound Beach Marketing for details about Bethesda Lists for Consumer Offers.

Ask about these lists:
• Active Sports Participants from Marathon Foto
• Licensed Professionals lists
(almost 50 of them) Barbers, Cosmotologists, Doctors,
Nurses, Notaries, Farm Families and more.

Terry Hudock 203 698.0708, or e-mail,
Debbie Tether 203 270.8995, or e-mail,

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