Pest Control Professionals in the USA
Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, usually because it is perceived to be detrimental to a person’s health, the ecology or the economy.
Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, usually because it is perceived to be detrimental to a person’s health, the ecology or the economy.
This postal list identifies the executives in companies involved in the rental of medical equipment. These companies supply in-home wheelchairs, oxygen, hospital beds and many other supplies so patients can remain in their home during their recovery.
Formerly, Construction Industry Database in the USA. This list is comprised of individuals in building trades such as masonry, to roofing, to fire protection systems & many more specialties.
This list identifies physicians who are in group practice. Group practices range from two doctors to thousands. The average group practice is close to 100 doctors in urban, high traffic areas. These doctors can be selected by one or more of over 130 specialties so you can target your offer to those physicians best qualified to receive your offer.
Reach Osteopaths in the USA. Osteopaths diagnosis and treatment the relationship between structure and function in the body, and the ways it can be affected through manipulative therapy and other treatment
Respiratory Therapists work under the supervision of an intensive care physician or pulmonologist. Under the physician’s medical direction and supervision, they plan and implement a variety of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures for patients suffering from a wide range of heart and lung disorders.
This list reaches highly skilled personnel who work in laboratories that study biology. They are responsible for discovering the presence or absence of disease and provide data that helps physicians determine the best treatment for the patient.
This list identifies pathologists working in laboratories and operating rooms. They are physicians who interpret and diagnose the changes caused by disease in tissues and body fluids
Reach highly educated CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICERS (CFO) who hold senior positions and are important decision makers. A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is primarily responsible for managing the financial risks of a corporation. They are also responsible for financial planning and record-keeping, as well as financial reporting to upper management. In some industries/sectors the CFO is also responsible for analyzing data.
Reach top executives at Automobile Dealerships serving the new and used car and truck dealer industry throughout the United States. These decision makers respond to all types of product offers and services that will get their products in front of the car shopping public early in the buying process.