Email Lists
Any successful marketing campaign depends on identifying the ideal audience for the offer you have to make, and using good business email lists. This matters for everything from billboards to business cards, but where precise targeting is especially necessary is in direct mail. Finding the correct business-to-business mailing list and business email lists is essential if you wish to increase the percentage of people that respond to your marketing message well.
In some ways, marketing is still a numbers game. It is impossible to get a 100% response rate on any mailer or email. However, there is a vast difference between a 1% and 5% response rate when you are sending your ad to hundreds or thousands of people.
The amount of success you have may come down to the decision you make when you rent or purchase list contact information. All the expense and effort to create an attention-grabbing and well-designed email will be lost if it is not sent to or fails to be seen by the right people.
Generally, eMail lists from publishers and associations are NOT available for unlimited use. The list manager carefully monitors the list for use. This includes sending the eMail upon the mailer’s behalf. Of course, you are given test messages and generally can select the time and day that your Email will be sent to the target audience.
Why Do the Right Business Email Lists Matter?
Anyone can throw together a huge list of random emails and pass it off as some sort of “eager customer” compilation. In the realm of business-to-business mailing list options, it becomes a bit more complicated because company emails are guarded and protected with anti-spam hardware and software in most cases. Try using custom email lists for clean data and higher delivery results.
Unscrupulous places to buy business email lists will not care if the information is current or correct. Using an experienced list manager and list broker like Bethesda List Center is a great step in the right direction. The cost of using a broker is often included in the listed price of the mailing list and the cost is paid by the list owner.
The right business email lists matter because the wrong ones lead either nowhere or directly to failure. If your well-designed direct Email marketing campaign ends up in unchecked or unused email inboxes, no one will ever see it. If your email ends up in the junk mail box, it suffers the same fate. If it goes to someone who has zero interest in the industry or niche and they reported as spam, your company may be faced with considerable difficulties and possibly fines.
Consider the Ideal Audience For Your Marketing Message
Now that you understand why having the wrong business to business mailing list will hurt your bottom line and possibly your company as a whole, you need to figure out how to find the best audience for your marketing email instead.
Ask yourself the following questions to get an idea about your email list requirements for a business to business list:
1 – What type of company does my product or service help the most?
If you are not marketing something that will assist professionals or businesses in some way, no one will probably want what you have to offer. It might be true that your product could help multiple company types, but you need to determine the main one.
2 – What specific problem does my product or service overcome?
By identifying the problem that companies face and you are trying to solve, you can identify who to send your marketing message to because those will be the people who have this problem. For example, if you sell small construction machinery, you probably want to market to private contractors and renovators instead of massive construction development companies.
3 – Who is the person most likely to respond favorably to my marketing message?
No matter what you are offering, the main goal is to get your email in front of the person who makes the buying or contract decisions. In truth, your B2B email approach may first be seen by an assistant or a different department that handles incoming contacts. If you buy or rent the right business email lists, you can often bypass these people.
After determining the answer to those three questions, it still might not have a firm grasp of exactly who your ideal audience is. Because there are multiple mailing lists available, a professional broker such as Bethesda List Center, can help you avoid making a costly error. A list broker can help you test your marketing email with several list sources. This not only helps you determine who the most responsive groups are, but also allows you to design the most effective email template and include the most compelling content and call to action.
The Power of the Best Business to Business Mailing List
When you do find the best business email lists, you will enjoy a greater return on your investment for all of your advertising dollars. When it comes to shear cost-effectiveness, email cannot be beat.
You need to rent or buy the email list, pay someone to design and write the email itself, but the cost of actually sending them all out is usually so small it would not stand in the way of additional advertising in the future.
According to a 2015 Ascend study on various marketing methods, email surpassed all others, including postal mail and social media marketing, for its effectiveness at getting the message out. It was also the least complicated according to the people asked in this poll. Also, according to Entrepreneur magazine, 73% of people hold preferred email over other types of marketing contact. Although these numbers speak more specifically to consumer advertising methods, business to business marketing may experience the same feedback.

While emails are easy to delete, they are also quite easy to access, read and save if anything captures the interest of the person who opens it. When you get that marketing message in front of the right person at a company, agency or organization, it becomes that much more powerful. Emails are also very easy to forward and share with people who can make the buying and hiring decisions that can directly impact your business.
Selecting the right business to business mailing list for your company’s marketing campaign depends on identifying the target audience, using a well-respected and experienced list broker and tracking the response you get with each email you send. This first step – choosing the right business email lists to use – does more for your future success or disappointment than any other part of a professional marketing campaign.