How to Find Postal Mailing Lists for Direct Mail Marketing

Radiologic / X-Ray Technologists in the USA

These are specialists in radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, cancer research and treatment, and diagnostic X-rays have become increasingly important in the medical world. Radiologic technologists and technicians take X-rays and administer non-radioactive materials into patient’s blood streams for diagnostic purposes. Some specialize in diagnostic imaging technologies such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

2020-05-08T15:52:02+00:00Email, Medical, Postal, US|

Doctors by Type in the US

Reach doctor’s by type. The doctors identified on this list are graduates of specialized training and are licensed by state and federal agencies, accrediting organizations and others before they are allowed to practice medicine.

2018-11-12T11:31:46+00:00Medical, Postal, US|

Leadership Training Executives

Formerly: Luminary Leadership Training from Lumacore Inc Reach former attendees of The LUMINARY SERIES, the premier leadership series in America. Programs featured leading experts in business, management, finance, and leadership. Some of the numerous expert presenters have been Steven Covey, Suze Orman, Tom Peters, Jack Welch, Rudy Giuliani, Ken Blanchard as well as a number of other Fortune 500 CEO’s.

2018-11-12T11:13:13+00:00Education, Executives, Postal, US|

McVey Medical Seminar Attendees

Formerly: McVey Business Seminars for Doctors This list consists of attendees to McVey Associates seminars for health care office staff on such topics as, insurance claims submission, CPT coding and collections. Doctors and their staff members have spent on McVey Business Seminars to improve their knowledge of the business side of health care and help their offices run more efficiently.

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